1. Advice and Information -

    National Voices, Traverse, PPL and Healthwatch England have put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.
  2. Report -

    We have today published the latest snapshot report from our COVID-19 survey data.
    The report is based on data from completed surveys, submitted up to 3.8.20.
  3. Report -

    This survey has been running since early May 2020. Each month we are producing snapshot summaries, and this is the second summary.
  4. Report -

    This report is a snapshot in time, with the data being taken from COVID-19 surveys completed up to 24 June 2020.
    It looks at how the pandemic has affected access to GPs, and how technology is being used.
  5. Report -

    In early May 2020, Healthwatch Tameside launched a new survey.
    It asks people about their experiences during lockdown, including questions about physical health, mental health, social activities, information sources, technology and other areas.
  6. Advice and Information -

    If you want to make an NHS complaint it is important for you to be able to say what is important to you in your own words.
  7. Report -

    This is the second report produced by Healthwatch Tameside, based on all the information collected during the previous 12 months.
  8. Report -

    This is a report about the GP/Hospital Survey data collected by Healthwatch Tameside between June and September 2015.