1. Report -

    We have today published the latest snapshot report from our COVID-19 survey data.
    The report is based on data from completed surveys, submitted up to 3.8.20.
  2. Report -

    This survey has been running since early May 2020. Each month we are producing snapshot summaries, and this is the second summary.
  3. Report -

    In July we produced an interim report using the mental health and wellbeing comments from our COVID-19 survey. This has been updated using surveys completed up to 31 October 2020.
  4. Report -

    This report is a snapshot in time, with the data being taken from COVID-19 surveys completed up to 24 June 2020.
    It looks at how the pandemic has affected access to GPs, and how technology is being used.
  5. Report -

    In early May 2020, Healthwatch Tameside launched a new survey.
    It asks people about their experiences during lockdown, including questions about physical health, mental health, social activities, information sources, technology and other areas.
  6. Report -

    From 1 April 2018, Bedford House, Chapel Street and Tame Valley surgeries joined together, becoming Ashton Medical Group.
    During the following 12 months, Healthwatch Tameside collected feedback about the practice.
  7. Report -

    This report is the Healthwatch Tameside version of the Healthwatch England general survey, looking at the NHS Long Term Plan.
  8. Report -

    This report is based on the responses received in Tameside to the Healthwatch England heart and lung survey, as part of the NHS Long-term plan project.
  9. Advice and Information -

    If you want to make an NHS complaint it is important for you to be able to say what is important to you in your own words.
  10. Report -

    Following a merger of two practices, Millgate Healthcare Partnership was formed.
  11. Report -

    This report comes following a survey of nearly 575 patients throughout Greater Manchester by the Greater Manchester Healthwatch Network.
  12. News -

    Welcome to the digital version of our latest paper newsletter Issue 8 Autumn 2020.
  13. Report -

    As the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed, we have received an increased a number of requests for help in finding an NHS dentist, and also feedback about the problems people have encountered.
  14. News -

    Welcome to the digital version of the paper newsletter Issue 6 Spring 2019.
  15. News -

    Supporting a COVID safe and healthy Tameside.

    Could this be you?
  16. News -

    Welcome to the digital version of our latest paper newsletter Issue 9 Winter February 2021
  17. Report -

    As the pandemic has progressed, we have received an increased number of requests for help in finding an NHS dentist, and also feedback about the problems people have encountered.
  18. News -

    Have you used urgent care recently? This could be 111 services, A & E, or the urgent care/walk-in centre,
  19. Report -

    A report bringing together all the feedback we received about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  20. News -

    Help us to influence improvements in the care available, by completing these surveys.
  21. News -

    A wide range of work is underway in Tameside to reduce waiting times and provide support for patients who are waiting for operations, surgery, and hospital appointments.
  22. Report -

    We know that during the COVID-19 lockdowns, patient transport services were not operating. We wanted to find out whether people are now able to get to medical appointments when they need to.
  23. News -

    Welcome to the digital version of our latest paper newsletter Issue 11 Autumn 2021
  24. News -

    Have your say about ways to access health and care services
  25. Report -

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, new ways to access care were introduced very quickly. These involved using technology, whilst we were in lockdown. Services are looking at how they can build on these changes for the future. We asked for your views.
  26. Report -

    What did people tell us about their experience of delays to care since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?
    Find out in this report.
  27. News -

    This month we’ve welcomed our new manager, Alex Leach, into the team.
  28. News -

    Welcome to the digital version of our latest paper newsletter Issue 13
  29. News -

    From 1 July 2023 the way members of the public make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner is changing.

    Primary care services are GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacy services.
  30. Advice and Information -

    Protect yourself and prevent serious illness this winter: get vaccinated!
  31. Report -

    This report includes a summary of all information collated during 2014, 2015 and 2016, with a more detailed focus on information from 2016.
  32. Report -

    This is the second report produced by Healthwatch Tameside, based on all the information collected during the previous 12 months.
  33. News -

    Welcome to the digital version of our newsletter Issue 7 Winter 2019.
  34. News -

    The Healthwatch in Greater Manchester Network is aware of the BBC Panorama allegations regarding standards of care at the Edenfield Medium Secure Unit which is part of The Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.
  35. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at our article, and find support if you’re grieving.
  36. Report -

    Our COVID-19 survey has been running since early May.
    This interim report using data from the survey is about people’s thoughts and opinions of communication of COVID messages, and the various rules and guidelines we have been asked to follow.
  37. Report -

    This report looks at how the mental health and wellbeing of people has been affected during the COVID pandemic.
  38. News -

    Coronavirus advice has been made available in a number of different languages.
  39. News -

    Read the latest advice and information from the NHS website and the government website about Coronavirus.
  40. Advice and Information -

    The rules and guidance are changing regularly.
  41. News -

    New survey now available. Tell us your views of the COVID vaccination programme.

  42. News -

    What are your views on COVID-19 Test and Trace?